
Niles – this book got right to the point on how to change my financial situation. 

Karen – I’ve tried budgeting before but after reading Getting to Rich, I was able to create a comprehensive budget which was easy to implement and document my spending. I’m extremely happy to not be over budget in any month for the last two years.

Lisa – my mother also didn’t know about the tax breaks and deductions she can take from providing day care for her grand children. From reading the book, she started a day care center in her home and began to take advantage of the tax deductions mentioned in the book and others from consulting with a tax representative.

Marv – I’ve always wondered if the rich really paid less in taxes. Reading Getting to Rich, moved me to consulted with a tax representative to asked the direct question, how do I take advantage of the deductions and tax breaks offered by our tax system? Today, I have a great relationship with my tax consultant and I’m happy to be paying my fair share in taxes.

LaShawn – Wow! As an adult I did not know that is the key to the question, how do you live life for today while saving for the future. I now spend the appropriate amount of money over the weekends without falling short of money each week.

Terrell – I’m 22 years old and about to graduate from college. I can’t wait to get my first real job. I have plans to save 80% of my pay check for the first three years to quickly build my savings. If that doesn’t classify me as bring rich, I won’t be upset for temporarily falling short of my goal. 

Jimmy – I am sooo glad I read this book. My mom and I now understand how to change our financial situation. I’m confident we will be able to get out of poverty. I too cut grass, perform snow removal and odd jobs. We are learning how to take advantage of those and other tax deductions mentioned in the book.

Chris – I’m saving 25% of my paycheck. I plan on saving 30-35% after getting out of debt. My plan is to get to rich as quickly as I can.

Jamie – It is five of us including mom and we were all trying to read just the one copy of this book that mom bought. We since bought four more books. Now we have our owe book to reference but we still work together to stay on track, changing our financial situation.

Kenny – I bought 10 books for my nieces and nephews. I’ve taken an active role in advancing my family financially and it starts with education. I’ve bought other money management and financial books and we’ve had many conversations about financial prosperity. But, this book, Getting to Rich, linked it all together. Now, if or when I discuss money management or finances, I suggest purchasing this book and reading it first so we all have a solid foundation to base our conversation on.

TMC Prosperity, Inc., All rights reserve © 2021