Success Factors

“Learning” money and financial management is a fundamental life skill.

It is imperative to learn money and financial management skills as early in life as possible. It doesn’t matter where you obtain this knowledge, it’s only important that you do.

We documented our Prosperity Process approach in Getting to Rich, Converting Your Dream to Reality, which is based upon the research and feedback received from others who successfully made the transition from rags to riches. We encourage you to purchase our book, read it and share you knowledge and understanding of the subject with others.

      Success factors to consider during your journey,,

  1. You: To get from point A to point B, and so on, it requires 110% of your active participation, mentally and physically. It is you and your willingness to change your financial situation that is the most important requirement in your prosperity process.
  2. Surround yourself with a team of people willing to support you in your financial journey. These individuals can certainly include your parents, grandparents, relatives and friends.  Of course, no matter what you do in life, “mom” is usually your #1 Super Fan (no offense dad).
  3. We highly suggest you recruit a doctor, a nurse, a tax accountant/attorney, a carpenter, an electrician, a plumber, and other professionals to be on your team. Having friends in a variety of professions allow you to obtain, from creditable sources, professional advice and assistance.

It is imperative you recognize and celebrate your successes as you progress on your journey. When we started our journey we celebrated by going out to dinner every time we saved $1,000.00. When we reached the $10,000.00 mark, we celebrated with a 3-day vacation to a tropical beach.

TMC Prosperity, Inc., All rights reserved © 2021