The Journey Begins…
Getting to Rich is the first documented approach, outlining the steps on “how to” achieve financial prosperity.
The Movement Continues…
…On To Prosperity!
The Prosperity Process is rarely taught in school.
It is often left to the individual to acquire this essential life skill and often times it takes decades to acquire financial literacy skills.
An investment in knowledge pays the best dividends over time.
Samella C.
Boston University Graduate
“My plan; to become rich by age 30. To accomplish my objective, I’ve started my own company, where I am making sales as a Whole Sale Real Estate Agent. I’ve also been successful investing in the stock market.
My plan was derived from the principals of “Getting To Rich, Converting Your Dreams to Reality.” My total net saving for my first year removed from college is $60,000.00 and growing.
Straight to the bag! 💰
1. Graduated… check!
2. Gamefully employed… check!
3. Aggressive prosperity plan created… check!
4. Executing the plan… check!
5. Determined… check! check!
6. Advisory support from parents, our parent’s friends and our relatives… check!
7. Living life, liberty and pursuing happiness while Getting to Rich… Absolutely!
We were taught “how” to become financially successful by our parents through the principles documented in Getting to Rich! Get your copy today!

TMC Prosperity, Inc., All rights reserved © 2021